Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself... And Public Restrooms, And Lamps, And DHS....

Hello world,
It is I!
I just wanted to talk about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) today.  Mainly what OCD is is your brain gets stuck on stuff that you're doing (obsessions) and you have to do whatever will "protect" or "make it feel right" (compulsions) or something will happen to you, a loved one, etc.  That's primarily how you can tell the difference between a compulsion and a tic.  If asked what will happen if you didn't hop a person with a tic would say you would feel a buildup pressure until you do it.  A person with OCD would say "My mom would die" or something ridiculous like that.
Speaking of ridiculous, people with OCD know their obsessions and compulsions are ridiculous but like a how a tic is like a sneeze and you have to, people with OCD have to do it.

According to WebMD, the symptoms of OCD, which are the obsessions and compulsions, may vary. Common obsessions include:
  • Fear of dirt or contamination by germs.
  • Fear of causing harm to another.
  • Fear of making a mistake.
  • Fear of being embarrassed or behaving in a socially unacceptable manner.
  • Fear of thinking evil or sinful thoughts.
  • Need for order, symmetry, or exactness.
  • Excessive doubt and the need for constant reassurance.
Common compulsions include:
  • Repeatedly bathing, showering, or washing hands.
  • Refusing to shake hands or touch doorknobs.-------ME in public places
  • Repeatedly checking things, such as locks or stoves.
  • Constant counting, mentally or aloud, while performing routine tasks.--------ME
  • Constantly arranging things in a certain way.-------ME
  • Eating foods in a specific order.-------ME
  • Being stuck on words, images or thoughts, usually disturbing, that won't go away and can interfere with sleep.-------ME
  • Repeating specific words, phrases, or prayers.-------ME
  • Needing to perform tasks a certain number of times.-------ME
  • Collecting or hoarding items with no apparent value.--------ME
Following that is the anxiety that comes with OCD.   Not to mention the thousands of phobias.
For me, I am afraid of swimming, public restrooms, have social phobia-the fear that everyone is sitting there starring at me and judging me, and the above stuff.
If something doesn't feel right I'll flail my hands around until it feels right.

So if you see me sitting there looking freaked out or think I'm weird (which I am) you'll understand.  And that's the most important thing.

Later we'll talk about social anxiety.  But I've probably weirded you out enough for now!

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